I was born in Paris in 1959.
After graduating from school in France, I first lived and worked in Spain.
I discovered Germany and the Germans in the late 1970s.
Until the end of the 1980s, in addition to my role as a housewife and mother, I worked as a translator and non-fiction writer (in French). My work focused on self-help and self-improvement.
I completed a four-year training in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the IMTC in Bolléne in order to deepen my knowledge of the holistic approaches of Chinese medicine.
At the University of Paris 8, I first acquired the Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales, the Licence and the Masterdegree in psychology.
Since 2002 I have completed the four-year training at the Systemic Structure Constellations Institute in Munich.
Since April 2007 I have had permission to practice the practice of medicine in the field of psychotherapy.
In 2007 /2008 I trained in psychotraumatology according to the guidelines of the DeGPT at
I am also Master and Teaching Coach DGfC.
I met Maria Aarts and was introduced to her method “Marte Meo” in 2009.
As a Marte-Meo-therapist, colleague-trainer and licensed supervisor, I use this method with enthusiasm in different “fields” and offer all Marte Meo qualifications myself.
In addition, I have attended numerous training courses were held in Germany, France and Switzerland throuhout my career.
Starting in 1989 I supported my husband in the construction of the children’s & youth home Haus Waltrud, an in-patient therapeutic institution for young people. There I worked in the management team until 2012.
As a Frenchwoman who has lived in Germany for more than 30 years and has been working with children, young people, families and multi-professional teams since the end of the 1980s, as well as a mother of four now almost adult children, I have learned the following in both the professional and private spheres:
Together with people from young to old, to develop viable solutions to the most diverse problems in dialogue with people of all ages.
The study of psychology in Paris formed the theoretical basis for my work; In addition to my family, I was supported by the many trainers and therapists i met through numerous trainings,ongoing education, conferences or seminars.
I would like to take this opportunity, in thank in particular…
Maria Aarts, Danie Beaulieu, Insoo Kim Berg, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Brisch, Steve de Shazer, George Downing, Siegfried Essen, Rainer Goertz, Christian Godefroy, Dr. Tilo Grüttner, Dr. Luc Isebaert, Dr. med. Michael Kahan, Dr. med. Matthias Lauterbach,Tobie Nathan, Rolf Nyfeler, Elisabeth Pfäfflin, Dr. Manfred Prior, Kurt Richter, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Dr. Angelika Schlarb, Dr. med. Gunther Schmidt, Stephanie Schramm, Insa Sparrer, Dr. med. Godehard Stadtmüller, Prof. Dr. Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Ph. D. Jeffrey K. Zeig,… Thank
Each of you gave me the opportunity to learn new things and to rediscover the oldertheories and thus to gather a rich range of methods and knowledge.
In this way, I can help children, adolescents and adults who want a change in their lives to create a better future that suits them and to help mobilize healing powers and life energy. In other words, I offer help for self-help!