Business coaching for reorientation and further development
Better cope with crises as a manager through individual coaching: Because right now everything has changed at once…
Whether in the current coronavirus crisis or when a brilliant new idea suddenly changes offer the market:
Staying calm, even when feelings go up and down. Act strategically and flexibly, rather than frantically reacting to economic challenges.
With business coaching you get the reliable individual support to cope with intense difficult phases.
If you are self-employed, you may want to plan your next steps carefully: Partnership or cooperative? Which offer should I prioritize? How do I acquire new customers? How can I better market myself?
Coaching provides space and time to slow down, understand your emotions, check your own mental state, and to develop new perspectives.
Coaching can be tailored precisely to your needs in terms of time and availability.
Here are some options:
- In-house coaching in your company or facility
- Emergency assistance by phone or online (with a pre-signed agreement)
- In the North Eifel, with an inspiring nature experience: Coaching in the forest
- In the coaching studio at the Zikkurat a(with sauna and massage before or after on request)
- At my practice in Kall
- Evening and weekend appointments are possible
An introductory meeting is free of charge. If it’s a good fit, we will enter into a clear written agreement.
Climb out of the depths: Coaching can bring more satisfaction, ease, and meaning to your life.
As a coach, I support women and men in a safe space, even during a crisis in their personal lives.
Your own resources will be activated, with your individual skills becoming more conscious. I work with you to help you find your own personal path through the process of change…Wether it’s relationship issues or conflicts or the development of a new perspective on life: anything is possible!
I look forward to your call: +49 175 26 86 615